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outsta nding performa nc e bec a use we c a re tha t you a re c ompletely
sa tisfied. Tha t’s why we independently c ertify them to the highest qua lity
sta nda rds a nd ba c k them with a limited lifetime gua ra ntee. We sta nd rea dy
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fa x
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Tha nk you a nd enjoy your listening experienc e!
Best rega rds,
Russell G entner a nd the Listen Tea m
• In the few insta nc es where repa irs were needed, 99% of a ll c lients indic a ted tha t they were ha ppy with
repa ir turn-a round-times a nd 85% of the time, c lients were without their produc t for less tha n 10 da ys!
• Overa ll c lient sa tisfa c tion of working with Listen wa s ra ted 4.8 out of 5.
• “Plea se c ontinue with your exc ellent a ttitude towa rd c ustomer sa tisfa c tion. You guys a re grea t!”
• “I’ve never ha d suc h good servic e from a ny c ompa ny. Keep up the good work!”
• “You sta nd behind your produc t wonderfully.”
Assistive Listening • La ngua ge Interpreta tion • Soundfield • Tour G roup • C onferenc ing
LT-800 Table of Contents
Pa c ka ge C ontents
150 MHz Spec ific a tions
Bloc k Dia gra m
Quic k Referenc e
Setup Instruc tions
Opera ting Instruc tions
Audio C ontrol
Listen SQ™ (Super Quiet)
RF Rec eption Ma ximiza tion Stra tegies
C oa xia l C a ble
C ha nnel Selec tion
150 MHz Frequenc y C ha rt
Wa rra nty
C onta c ting Listen
Optiona l Ac c essories
LT-800 Pac kage Contents
LT-800 Contents
Listen Part Number
• LT-800-150 (150 MHz)
• 12 VDC Power Supply
• User Ma nua l
LT-800-150 (150 MHz)
• Quic k Referenc e C a rd
Optional Accessories
See pa ges 19-20
LT-800 Spec ific ations
Architectural Specifications
The sta tiona ry FM tra nsmitter sha ll be c a pa ble of broa dc a sting on 32 c ha nnels. The tra nsmitter
sha ll ha ve a n SNR of 80 dB or grea ter. The output power sha ll be a djusta ble to qua rter, ha lf or
full. C ha nnel tuning sha ll be c a pa ble of being loc ked. The devic e sha ll ha ve a n a udio
frequenc y response of 50 Hz to 15 kHz (±3 dB). It sha ll ha ve two (2) mixing a udio inputs a nd a
mixed signa l output. The devic e sha ll ha ve the following a udio c ontrols: input level, mix level
a nd a n a djusta ble low pa ss filter (c ontour). The devic e sha ll ha ve a n a udio proc essor tha t is
c a pa ble of a utoma tic ga in c ontrol a nd limiting. The Listen LT-800-150 is spec ified.
RF Frequenc y Ra nge
Number of C ha nnels
150.8000 MHz - 152.3500 MHz
6 wideba nd, 26 na rrowba nd
Number of Simulta neous
Tra nsmitters
Frequenc y Ac c ura c y
Tra nsmitter Sta bility
Tra nsmission Ra nge
Output Power
± .005% sta bility 32 to 122º (0 to 50ºC )
50 PPM
Up to 762 m (2500 ft.)
100 mW
System Frequenc y Response
System Signa l to Noise Ra tio
System Distortion
50 Hz - 15 kHz (±3 dB)
SQ ena bled 80 dB, SQ disa bled 60 dB
<2% tota l ha rmonic distortion (THD) a t 80% devia tion
Audio Input 1
Rea r pa nel, one (1) Fema le XLR a nd 1/4 in c ombo c onnec tor, ba la nc ed, 0 / -55 dBu (line/mic ) nomina l input level a djusta ble, -30 /
+21 dBu (line/mic ) ma ximum input level, impeda nc e 20k / 1k ohms (line/mic ), pha ntom power +12 VDC
Audio Input 2
Rea r pa nel, two (2) phono c onnec tors, unba la nc ed, -10 / +10 dBu nomina l input level a djusta ble,
+30 dBu ma ximum, impeda nc e 100k ohms
Audio Proc essing (Proc ess)
C ontour
C ompression c a n be turned on/off. Slope interna lly a djusta ble from 1:1 to 4:1. Defa ult 2:1
C uts a nd boosts frequenc ies a bove 5 kHz
C ombined Audio Output (Mix)
Input 1 a nd input 2, mixed output (rea r pa nel), two (2) phono c onnec tors, unba la nc ed, -10 dBu nomina l output level, +15 dBu
ma ximum, impeda nc e 10 ohms
Hea dphone Output (Monitor)
Front Pa nel
Front pa nel, one (1) 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) stereo c onnec tor, unba la nc ed, a djusta ble output level, +3 dBu ma ximum, impeda nc e 10
Power, Test Tone on/off, C ha nnel up/down, Input Levels, Mix Level, C ontour, Monitor volume c ontrol
Rea r Pa nel
"Input 1 Level, (Line, Mic , Mic -Pha ntom Power), Input 2 level (-10 / +10 dBu), RF power level (low, mid, high)"
Proc ess on/off, SQ on/off, c ha nnel loc k
Progra mming
Input1, Input 2, Mix Level VU
Proc essing
Indic a tes Input 1, Input 2, a nd Mix a udio levels; 10 segment LED's (8 green, 2 red)
Indic a ted by a green LED when on (front pa nel)
C ontrols &
Indic a tors
RF Power
Indic a ted on the LC D (low, mid, high)
LC D Displa y
C ha nnel Designa tion, loc k sta tus, RF power level, progra mming (front pa nel)
Red LED illumina tes when test tone is ena bled.
Test Tone
Power Supply
In line power supply (Listen pa rt number LA-207)
Input: 100-240 VAC , 50-60 Hz, 0.4 A
Power Supply Input
Power Supply Output
Power Supply C onnec tor
Power Supply C omplia nc e
Output: 12 VDC , 1.3 A, 15.6 W
Output C onnec tor: 0.02 in (5.0 mm) OD, 0.01 in. (2.5 mm) ID, ba rrel type
Dimensions (H x W x D)
C olor
1.75 x 8.50 x 9.13 in (4.5 x 21.5 x 23 c m)
Da rk G rey with white silk sc reening
2.6 lbs. (1.2 kg)
Physic a l
Unit Weight
Shipping Weight
6 lbs. (2.7 kg)
Tempera ture - Opera tion
-10 ºC (14 ºF) to +40 ºC (104 ºF)
-20 ºC (-4 ºF) to +50 ºC (122 ºF)
Environmenta l Tempera ture - Stora ge
0 to 95% rela tive humidity, non c ondensing
*Specifications are subject to change without notification
LT-800 Bloc k Diagram
Power Supply
0 Hz
15VAC, 1A
Power Supply
CPU Module
Listen LCD Display
MIX Level
VU Meter
Top Mounted
Antenna Stud
Compression Ratio
(internal adjustment)
Transmitter RF Board
Functions controlled by the CP
Input 1 VU
Input 2 VU
Input Level
Front Panel
Input 1 Level Select
Mic-Phantom Pwr, Mic, Line
Phantom Pwr
Input 2 Level Select
Test Tone Button
Front Panel
Female XLR-1/4
Combo Connect
2/Tip 3/Ring
LT-800 Quic k Referenc e
Top mount antenna connection:
Remove rubber plug and screw
antenna in place.
LT-800 Front Panel: Controls & Displays
Process Mode
is active.
LCD: Shows
Indicates audio input
level of Input 1 and
Input 2.
Monitor Port: Plug
which channel
is selected.
Super Quiet
mixed audio
Adjust audio input levels
of Input 1 and Input 2
here. See page 11 for
more information.
in a headset and
adjust volume.
mode is active.
Mix Level: Adjust so
the Mix Level meter
occasionally lights
the red LED.
Channel Select Down:
Press for 8 seconds to
enter program mode.
See page 8 for more
Test Tone: Activates
a tone to aid system
Channel Select Up:
Contour: Equalization
adjustment. Turn
counter-clockwise for
voice and clockwise for
Press for 3 seconds
to lock on current
LT-800 Back Panel: Connections & Settings
Input 1: Used for balanced
Input 2: Set switch to
connection of a microphone
or line level input. This
combination connector
accepts either XLR or ¼”
phono plugs.
match the level of your
Input 2 audio source,
Mix Output: These connectors
contain a mix of Input 1 and
Input 2. They are unbalanced
phono connectors; and the
output level is -10 dBu.
Remote Antenna Connection:
See page 19 or the Listen
website for details on antennas
that can be attached here.
not used to increase or
decrease level by +10 dBu.
12 VDC 1.3 A
Select Line, Mic or Mic+Phantom
Power. Line is balanced 0 dBu
input level, Mic is -55 dBu,
+12 VDC supplied in PH Power
position. If not using input 1, leave
in line position.
Set RF Power level here
(¼, ½, and Full). See
page 8 for guidelines
on setting power levels.
Input 2: Connect
unbalanced audio to these
phono connectors, input
level -10 dBu or +10 dBu.
The Listen LA-207
power supply
connects here.
LT-800 Setup Instruc tions
Unpack the Product
Remove outer pa c ka ging a nd pla stic c over. Inspec t for physic a l da ma ge.
Mount in Rack (if necessary)
If ra c k mounting the unit, insta ll the optiona l ra c k mount kit (pa rt LA-326) a c c ording to the
instruc tions inc luded with the kit, then insta ll the LT-800 in the ra c k.
NOTE: If rac k mounting, you will need to use a rear c onnec tion antenna.
Rack Mount with single unit installed
Rack Mount with dual unit installed
Shown with LT-800
Connect Antenna
C onnec t the a ntenna (not inc luded) a c c ording to the insta lla tion
instruc tions. Only use a n a ntenna supplied by Listen. If you a re
c onnec ting the a ntenna direc tly to the top of the LT-800, you will
need to remove the rubber plug on top of the unit. If you a re using
a remote a ntenna c onnec ted to the rea r of the unit, do not
c onnec t a n a ntenna to the top c onnec tor. See pa ge 19 for
a ntenna options, or refer to the Listen website for remote a ntenna
Coax antenna connection.
Rear of LT-800 shown.
LA-132 Remote Antenna
See RF Reception Maximization
Strategies and Coaxial Cable on
page 13.
rubber plug
LT-800 shown with top mount
antenna connected through top of
unit (part number LA-134)
Connect Power
Plug the power supply into the power c onnec tor on the
ba c k pa nel, then plug the power supply into a n outlet. Only
use a Listen a pproved power supply (The LA-207, a n in-line
switc hing power supply, is the a pproved power supply for this
12 VDC 1.3
LT-800 Setup Instruc tions (c ont.)
Set SQ™ (Super Quiet) and Process Features
Your tra nsmitter is shipped to you with SQ (super quiet) ena bled a nd Proc ess disa bled. For
a deta iled desc ription of these fea tures a nd when to use them, plea se refer to pa ge 12.
To Disable or Enable SQ and Process Features:
With the unit on press a nd hold the c ha nnel selec t “Down” button for 8 sec onds. The
progra m (PG M) ic on will a ppea r on the LC D.
Onc e in the progra m mode,
the SQ a nd Proc ess fea tures c a n be turned on a nd off by pressing the c ha nnel selec t
buttons. Press the c ha nnel selec t “Up” button to toggle between Proc ess On a nd Off.
Press the c ha nnel selec t “Down” button to toggle between SQ On a nd Off.
LED lit when
Process is enabled
If the green LED is illumina ted on the front pa nel,
LED lit when
SQ is enabled
tha t fea ture is ena bled. Onc e you ha ve ena bled or
disa bled the fea tures a s desired, let the tra nsmitter
exit the progra m mode by wa iting 5 sec onds.
Set RF Power
Set the RF POWER switc h on the ba c k of the unit
to 1/4, 1/2, Full (Level is indic a ted on the LC D
displa y). The a mount of tra nsmitted RF power tha t
you will need depends on your a pplic a tion. If you
a re opera ting multiple tra nsmitters in the sa me
environment, it is best to set the tra nsmitters
output power to its lowest level to reduc e the
possibility of interferenc e.
Back of LT-800 unit
LT-800 Setup Instruc tions (c ont.)
Connect Audio Inputs
The LT-800 ha s two a udio input options: Input 1 a nd Input 2. Input 1 is a ba la nc ed c onnec tion using
either a n XLR or 1/4” phono c onnec tor. Input 2 ha s two unba la nc ed mixing phono c onnec tors.
Use Input 1 if you a re using a mic rophone or if you ha ve a ba la nc ed c onnec tion suc h a s from a
professiona l a udio mixer (you c a n a lso use Input 1 for unba la nc ed c onnec tions). Use Input 2 to
c onnec t to a n unba la nc ed a udio sourc e.
Input 1
Input 1 offers a c hoic e of ba la nc ed XLR
or 1/4” phono c onnec tor.
Back of LT-800 with XLR connected to Input 1
Plug your mic rophone into Input 1 a nd move
the input selec t switc h to Mic (for dyna mic
mic rophones) or Mic + PH Power (for c ondenser
mic rophones).
Mic with
Plug your ba la nc ed or unba la nc ed a udio sourc e
into Input 1. Use the following dia gra m.
XLR Wiring
1/4” Phone Wiring
Input 2
Plug your unba la nc ed a udio sourc e into Input 2 a nd selec t the a udio
level switc h for -10 dBu or +10 dBu, to ma tc h the a udio level c oming
from your equipment.
LT-800 Operating Instruc tions
Power Unit On
Turn power on by pressing the power button.
Select a Channel
Selec t the tra nsmit c ha nnel by pressing the c ha nnel selec t UP a nd DOWN buttons. See
C ha nnel Selec tion on pa ge 14 for more informa tion.
Channel Select UP and DOWN buttons
Lock on Channel
Onc e you determine your tra nsmit c ha nnel, you c a n loc k the tra nsmitter on tha t c ha nnel.
To loc k on a c ha nnel hold the C ha nnel Selec t “Up” button for 3 sec onds until the pa dloc k
ic on a ppea rs on the displa y. To unloc k, repea t this proc ess a nd the pa dloc k ic on will
disa ppea r.
Loc k ic on
Test Tone (if necessary)
To broa dc a st a test tone, press the test tone button. This helps to test rec eivers when no
a udio sourc e is a va ila ble.
Press Test Tone
button here
LT-800 Audio Control
Adjust Audio Input Level
Adjust the input knob c ounterc loc kwise to a dd ga in to Input 1. This will dec rea se ga in
to Input 2. Adjust input knob c loc kwise to a dd ga in to Input 2. This will dec rea se ga in
to Input 1. If you ha ve two a udio sourc es c onnec ted to both Input 1 a nd 2, a djust the
level of one input using the VU meter, then a djust the output level of the other a udio
sourc e. Adjust the input level until the left VU meter(s) oc c a siona lly illumina te the red
LEDs. Illumina tion of the red LEDs indic a tes the unit is in limiting. Limiting is required so
tha t the unit does not over-modula te the tra nsmitter. If you don’t wa nt a ny a udio
limiting to oc c ur, ma ke sure the red LEDs never illumina te. If you wa nt a highly limited
signa l, turn the a udio ga in up so the red LEDs illumina te often.
Adjust Mix Level
Adjust the mix level until the right VU meter oc c a siona lly illumina tes the red LED. This is the
level a djustment for the c ombined output from Input 1 a nd Input 2.
Adjust Contour
Adjust the C ontour knob c ounterc loc kwise if your a udio sourc e is mostly voic e. Adjust
the knob c loc kwise if your a udio sourc e is mostly music . The C ontour knob a djusts the
rela tive equa liza tion of the unit. This equa liza tion boosts or c uts frequenc ies a bove 5 kHz.
Listen SQ™ (Super Quiet) - Improving Your Listening Experienc e
People a re a c c ustomed to listening to low noise, high fidelity a udio
SQ Summary
(delivered via C D, DVD, etc .). FM ra dio systems, suc h a s those ma de
• SQ is NOT squelch
by Listen, ha ve more inherent noise c ompa red to most sound systems.
• SQ improves noise performance
by at least 20 dB
To minimize noise, Listen uses a noise reduc tion tec hnology c a lled
ListenSQ™ . Both the tra nsmitter a nd rec eiver must ha ve the SQ
fea ture ena bled to a c hieve the desired results. SQ is a va ila ble on
new Listen systems, inc luding the system you rec eived in this shipment.
If you a re pla nning to use this produc t with older Listen systems tha t
do not ha ve Listen SQ, or equipment not ma nufa c tured by Listen, you
must disa ble Listen SQ.
• SQ is NOT compatible with
older version Listen products
• SQ is NOT compatible with
other manufacturers’ products
• To work properly, SQ must be
enabled for both the transmitter
and receivers
Your Listen LT-800 ha s been shipped to you with the SQ fea ture
ena bled. You ma y need to disa ble the SQ func tion for one or more of
the following rea sons:
• SQ can be disabled to permit
operation with older Listen
products or other
You a re using your new Listen LT-800 with older version Listen
rec eivers tha t do not ha ve the SQ func tion.
manufacturers’ products
You a re using your new Listen LT-800 with equipment supplied
by other ma nufa c turers (Listen is the only ma nufa c turer using SQ
Tec hnology).
You expec t tha t end users will bring a nd use their own rec eivers
tha t don’t ha ve the SQ func tion.
NOTE: See page 8 to enable or disable SQ (Super Quiet).
Process Mode
Proc ess mode is used for Audio G a in C ontrol (AG C ). With the proc ess
mode ena bled, the LT-800 will a utoma tic a lly a djust for inc onsistent
signa l input levels by ra ising or lowering the signa l level a c c ordingly to
provide a c onsistent sound output level. This fea ture should be used in
a pplic a tions where a c onsistent sound level is importa nt a nd the input
levels va ry substa ntia lly. Typic a lly you would not wa nt to enga ge the
Proc ess Mode when a spea ker’s empha sis is c ritic a l to the messa ge
they a re c onveying.
RF Rec eption Maximization Strategies
For proper a nd dependa ble opera tion, Listen rec eivers need to rec eive a strong a nd c onsistent
signa l from the origina ting tra nsmitter. Note tha t on porta ble rec eivers the hea dset wire is the
rec eiving a ntenna . The following stra tegies should be used ma ximize to this signa l:
When designing a nd insta lling your system, keep in mind tha t the loc a tion of both the
tra nsmitting a nd rec eiving a ntenna s is c ritic a l to ma ximize broa dc a st ra nge.
Elimina te or minimize obstruc tions between the tra nsmitting a nd rec eiving a ntenna .
Minimize the dista nc e between the tra nsmitting a nd rec eiving a ntenna s.
Move tra nsmitting a nd rec eiving a ntenna s a wa y from meta l or c onduc tive objec ts.
Pla c e the tra nsmitting a ntenna a s high a s possible.
Orient both tra nsmitting a nd rec eiving a ntenna s vertic a lly.
Position the RF Power switc h on the ba c k of the LT-800 to full RF Power, unless lower power is
a c c epta ble (see pa ge 8).
Keep c oa xia l c a ble from tra nsmitter to a ntenna a s short a s possible.
CAUTION: When installing antennas, ensure the antenna is c lear of power lines.
C oa xia l c a ble, c onnec tors, a nd optiona l a ntenna mounting kits a re a va ila ble from Listen. See
Coaxial Cable
The a ntenna for the LT-800 c a n be mounted direc tly on the unit if desired. However, you ma y
find tha t the unit will provide better performa nc e when the a ntenna is loc a ted elsewhere. If you
pla n to mount the a ntenna in a different loc a tion other tha n the top of the unit, you must use
c a ble a nd c onnec tors ra ted a t 50 ohms. Although c a ble used for c a ble TV insta lla tions looks
simila r to this c a ble, it will not work with your Listen system.
If you need to run c a ble over a length grea ter tha n 75 feet for 150 MHz a pplic a tions or to ma xi-
mize broa dc a st ra nge, Listen rec ommends tha t you use RG -8 c a ble ra ther tha n RG -58. RG -8 is a
lower loss c a ble, mea ning tha t more of your signa l will rea c h the a ntenna .
Long c a ble runs c a n result in signa l degra da tion due to the “loss” c ha ra c teristic s of the c a ble.
When using RG -58 with a 150 MHz tra nsmitter, there is a n a vera ge* loss of 6 dB per 100 feet of
c a ble (A 3 dB loss mea ns ha lf of your power ha s been lost.) However, it is better to suffer c oa xia l
power loss tha n to try to shoot your signa l through obsta c les! Obsta c les, espec ia lly meta l, c a n
c rea te drop-outs or reflec tions of your signa l tha t will result in poor listening c onditions.
*NOTE: There are many varieties of 50 ohm, RG-58 and RG-8 c ables. You may purc hase a
c able that is better or worse than this value. Please c hec k with the c able vendor or
manufac turer for exac t spec ific ations.
Channel Selec tion
It is importa nt to c hoose c ha nnels tha t a re free from interferenc e to
a c hieve proper opera tion of your Listen equipment. This proc ess is tria l
a nd error. Before turning on the tra nsmitter, listen to the wide ba nd
c ha nnels on the rec eivers (c ha nnels 1-6). Listen to the a udio through
the hea dphone or via the spea ker a nd c hoose a c ha nnel with the
lea st a mount of interferenc e. Unless you a re interfa c ing with a n
existing na rrowba nd tra nsmission system, a lwa ys use a wide ba nd
c ha nnel.
Wide Band Recommendation
Listen recommends that you always
use a wide band channel unless you
need to be compatible with existing
narrow band receivers from other
manufacturers. Wide band channels
have lower noise than their narrow
band counterparts.
If you are using multiple channels follow this process:
1. Same Space: If you a re using multiple tra nsmitters in the sa me spa c e,
the most number of c ha nnels tha t will work simulta neously is six a t
150 MHz. With a ll of the tra nsmitters off, listen for interferenc e on
a ll the wide ba nd c ha nnels via the hea dphone ja c k on a Listen
rec eiver. Using the frequenc y c ha rt on pa ge 15, elimina te a ny
c ha nnels tha t ha ve notic ea ble interferenc e. Now c hoose the
c ha nnels with the widest c ha nnel spa c ing. It is
150 MHz
The LT-800-150 MHz operates on 6
wide band channels and 26 narrow
band channels.
1 - 6 = Wide Band Channels
7 - 32 = Narrow Band Channels
rec ommended tha t a dja c ent c ha nnels be spa c ed a t lea st 300kHz.
2. Distributed Spacing: If you a re using tra nsmitters tha t a re sprea d out
over spa c e, you c a n a c hieve more simulta neous broa dc a st
c ha nnels. However, it is c ritic a l tha t your rec eiver(s) be loc a ted a s
c lose to its tra nsmitter a s possible. You c a n use a dja c ent
c ha nnels (see frequenc y c ha rt on pa ge 15) in this c a se a s long a s
the a dja c ent c ha nnel tra nsmitter is a t lea st 50% further a wa y from
the rec eiver a s its tra nsmitter.
It is highly rec ommended tha t a fter c ha nnel selec tion ha s been
a c hieved, you loc k the c ha nnel so tha t it c a nnot be c ha nged by the
user. To a c c omplish LOC K on the LT-800, press the “UP” button for 3
sec onds. Repea t the proc ess to unloc k.
150 MHz Frequenc y Chart
LT-800 Troubleshooting
The LT-800 has no power
Ma ke sure the LA-207 power supply is c onnec ted to a power sourc e a nd is c onnec ted to the
ja c k ma rked “Power Input”. Ma ke sure the POWER button is pressed in.
There is no audio or the audio level is too low
Ma ke sure tha t your a udio sourc e is properly c onnec ted to Input 1 a nd/or Input 2. The Input 1
or Input 2 switc hes must be in the c orrec t position for the a ppropria te input level. For exa mple:
if you a re using the output of a mixer on Input 2, the switc h should be in the -10 dBu position.
If it were to be in the +10 dBu position, the level would be too low. Also, c hec k the Input knob
to ensure it is properly a djusted. You should be a ble to see the VU meter deflec t on Input 1
or Input 2 c orresponding with the input level of the a udio sourc e. You c a n listen to the a udio
sourc e by c onnec ting a hea dset to the front pa nel ja c k a nd a djusting the Monitor
volume c ontrol.
If the level of a udio into the tra nsmitter is low a nd c a n’t be c orrec ted using the level input
switc hes, the a udio proc essor c a n be turned on to boost the signa l (see pa ge 8 to set, pa ge 12
for desc ription of Proc ess Mode).
The audio is distorted
C hec k to ma ke sure you ha ve the input level selec t switc hes in the proper position. You ma y
be providing too muc h a udio level for the input sta ge to ha ndle. Ma ke sure the SQ mode is set
c orrec tly on both the LT-800 a nd the rec eivers you a re using. If your rec eivers do not ha ve SQ,
ma ke sure the SQ mode is turned off (see pa ge 8).
There is hum in the audio
Ma ke sure you ha ve properly grounded the a udio sourc e to the LT-800. C hec k the c onnec tions
from the a udio sourc e to the LT-800. If you c a n, try to use a ba la nc ed a udio sourc e - this will
reduc e the c ha nc e of c rea ting hum. C onnec t a ground wire from the LT-800 to ground a nd/or
to the ground of the sourc e a udio.
There is a tone
The Test Tone button ha s been pressed (its LED light is on). Push the Test Tone button to turn off
the tone.
The Audio Input 1 sounds “tinny”
If you a re using a n unba la nc ed a udio sourc e, ma ke sure Pin 3 on the XLR or the ring on the
¼” plug is grounded (see pa ge 9).
I c annot pic k up the signal on the rec eiver
C hec k to ma ke sure tha t they a re on the sa me c ha nnel. Ma ke sure the LT-800 ha s
a n a ntenna c onnec ted. Ensure tha t the rec eiver ha s a n a ntenna (for porta ble produc ts the
hea dset is the rec eiving a ntenna ).
I c an pic k up the signal on the rec eiver, but it sounds like it’s not tuned in
C hec k to ma ke sure the tra nsmitter a nd rec eiver a re on exa c tly the sa me c ha nnel. It’s a good
idea to loc k the c ha nnels onc e they ha ve been set. To loc k the LT-800, press the UP button for
3 sec onds (see pa ge 10).
LT-800 Troubleshooting (c ont.)
There is not suffic ient range
First ma ke sure tha t the rec eivers you a re using a re opera ting properly, then ma ke sure tha t
you ha ve a n a ntenna c onnec ted either to the top of the LT-800 tra nsmitter or c onnec ted to
the ba c k of the unit (but not both!). The a ntenna should be a s high a s possible a nd free of
obsta c les. In a ddition ma ke sure you a re using the c orrec t a ntenna type for your unit. You
might wa nt to use a remote a ntenna (provided by Listen) tha t c a n be mounted on a ma st
or wa ll. Try using different frequenc ies to find one with less interferenc e.
There is interferenc e in my transmission
Ensure tha t the tra nsmitter a nd rec eivers a re on the sa me c ha nnel. Verify tha t there a re no
other tra nsmitters on the sa me c ha nnel or a c lose c ha nnel to the one exhibiting interferenc e.
Try different c ha nnels until you find a c lea r c ha nnel.
End users are adjusting the unit
First, loc k the c ha nnel by pressing a nd holding the c ha nnel selec t UP button for 3 sec onds.
C onsider removing the Input, Mix Level a nd C ontour knobs. You c a n order a ra c k mount kit
from Listen whic h offers a sec urity c over tha t will limit a c c ess to the unit.
Several transmitters are operating in the same environment
For this, you’ll need to c hoose your tra nsmitting frequenc ies c a refully. See pa ge 13-15 for
more deta ils.
Can I have two antennas c onnec ted to my transmitter
No. The LT-800 tra nsmitter c a n use only one a ntenna c onnec tion a t a time. You ma y c onnec t
either a top mount a ntenna through the top a ntenna port, or a remote a ntenna c onnec ted to
the BNC c onnec tion on the rea r of the unit. If multiple a ntenna e a re simulta neously c onnec ted
to both ports the tra nsmitter will ha ve extremely poor broa dc a st performa nc e a nd ra nge.
Warranty & Contac ting Listen
Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion (Listen) wa rra nts its tra nsmitters a nd rec eivers (LT-82, LT-700, LT-800, LR-42,
LR-44, LR-400, LR-500) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under norma l use a nd c onditions for the
useful lifetime of the produc t from da te of purc ha se.
Listen wa rra nts its Sta tiona ry IR Ra dia tors (LA-140) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under norma l
use a nd c onditions for three yea rs from the da te of purc ha se.
Listen wa rra nts its Noise C a nc eling Mic rophone (LA-270) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under
norma l use a nd c onditions for one yea r from da te of purc ha se.
Listen wa rra nts its C ha rging/C a rrying C a ses (LA-306, LA-311, LA-313, LA-317, LA-318, LA-319, LA-320, LA-321, LA-322,
LA-323, LA-324, LA-325) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under norma l use a nd c onditions for
one yea r from da te of purc ha se.
All other produc ts a nd a c c essories a re wa rra nted for 90 da ys from da te of purc ha se.
This wa rra nty is only a va ila ble to the origina l end purc ha ser of the produc t a nd c a nnot be tra nsferred. Wa rra nty is
only va lid if wa rra nty c a rd ha s been returned within 90 da ys of purc ha se. This wa rra nty is void if da ma ge oc c urred
bec a use of misuse or if the produc t ha s been repa ired or modified by a nyone other tha n a fa c tory a uthorized
servic e tec hnic ia n. Wa rra nty does not c over norma l wea r a nd tea r on the produc t or a ny other physic a l da ma ge
unless the da ma ge wa s the result of a ma nufa c turing defec t. Listen is not lia ble for c onsequentia l da ma ges due to
a ny fa ilure of equipment to perform a s intended. Listen sha ll bea r no responsibility or obliga tion with respec t to the
ma nner of use of a ny equipment sold by it. Listen spec ific a lly disc la ims a nd nega tes a ny wa rra nty of merc ha nta bility
or fitness of use of suc h equipment inc luding, without limita tion, a ny wa rra nty tha t the use of suc h equipment for a ny
purpose will c omply with a pplic a ble la ws a nd regula tions. The terms of the wa rra nty a re governed by the la ws of the
sta te of Uta h.
In the first ninety da ys a fter purc ha se, a ny defec tive produc t will be repla c ed with a new unit. After 90 da ys, Listen
will, a t its own disc retion either repa ir or repla c e tra nsmitters a nd rec eivers with a new unit or a unit of simila r type
a nd c ondition. Produc t tha t is not c overed under wa rra nty sha ll be repa ired or repla c ed with a unit of simila r type
a nd c ondition ba sed on a fla t fee. C onta c t Listen for deta ils.
This limited wa rra nty, pric es a nd the spec ific a tions of produc ts a re subjec t to c ha nge without notic e.
Contacting Listen
If tec hnic a l servic e is needed, plea se c onta c t Listen. Pre-a uthoriza tion is required before returning Listen produc ts.
If produc ts were da ma ged in shipment, plea se c onta c t the c a rrier, then c onta c t Listen for repla c ement or repa ir
requirements pa ya ble by the c a rrier.
Listen’s c orpora te hea dqua rters a re loc a ted in Bluffda le, Uta h U.S.A. a nd a re open Monda y through Frida y, 8a m to
5pm Mounta in Time.
14912 Herita gec rest Wa y
Bluffda le, Uta h 84065-4818
North Americ a
fa x
support@listentec h.c om
www.listentec h.c om
Optional Ac c essories
Antenna Accessories
Telesc oping Top Mounted
Antenna (150 MHz)
90˚ Helic a l Antenna
(150 MHz)
Universa l Antenna Kit
LT-800 Rack Mount Accessories
Antenna Kit for Ra c k Mount
Universa l Ra c k Mounting Kit
Inc ludes c omponents for single a nd dua l ra c k
c onfigura tion a nd a sec urity c over
NOTE: Rac k mounted units c annot use the
LA-134 top mounted antenna.
Optional Ac c essories (c ont.)
Cable & Connectors Accessories
RG -8 50 Ohm Low-Loss
C oa xia l C a ble (per ft.)
RG -58 BNC C onnec tor
RG -58 50 Ohm
C oa xia l C a ble (per ft.)
RG -8 BNC C onnec tor
Microphone Accessories
Ha nd-Held
Mic rophone
er ic rophone
Noise C a nc eling
Over-the-Hea d
Mic rophone
Mic rophone
C olla r
Mic rophone
C onferenc ing
Mic rophone
Over-the-Ea r Mic rophone
Presenta tion Style
¼ in. to 3.5 mm
Mic rophone
Ada pter for
Behind-the-Hea d
Mic rophone
NOTE: To use Listen mic rophones you must use a c onverter (LA-280) to adapt the 3.5 mm c onnec tion to a 1/4” phono c onnec tion.
Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion
14912 Herita gec rest Wa y
Bluffda le, Uta h 84065-4818, U.S.A.
North Americ a
fa x
www.listentec h.c om
Printed in C hina
© 2009 Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion® All Rights Reserved 09162009
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